Spanish Box

Friday, June 20, 2008

Learn To Speak Fluent Spanish

Learn To Speak Fluent Spanish - (The) Definitive Article

Here is a reminder about the Spanish definitive article (the) to help you learn to speak fluent Spanish. Recall that Spanish nouns that end in (o) are almost always masculine and Spanish nouns that end in (a) are almost always feminine. These nouns are preceded by the following:

The + masculine noun singular = el [example: el gato]

The + feminine noun singular = la [example: la casa]

The + masculine noun plural = los [example: los amigos]

The + feminine noun plural = las [example: las revistas]

Gentle Reminders:

1. To get the plural form of a noun that ENDS in a vowel, ADD (s) to the end of the noun. Example: el gato becomes los gatos

2. To get the plural form of a noun that ENDS in a consonant, ADD (es) to the end of the noun. Example: el canal becomes los canales

3. To get the plural form of a noun that ENDS in (-ion), the ACCENT is dropped. Example: la nación becomes las naciones

Learn To Speak Fluent Spanish

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